Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Levels of Reconciliation

We have recently been giving much thought to the idea of the psychology behind reconciliation and what needs to be in place for this process to occur. There are many ways fellow citizens, oppressors, victims, and different governments can help move this reconciliation process in the right direction.
From our readings and discussions, it has become apparent that many believe in reconciliation on two separate levels. The micro level of reconciliation concerns one person reconciling with their former victim or oppressor. This is a very vital step in the reconciliation process, and must be done in order to reach the next step. The second step is called the macro level of reconciliation. Like macro economics, this is defined by the entire nation, and the process enabling all of a nation’s citizens to reconcile.
In certain situations, the micro level of reconciliation can be relatively easy to find, but this is not always the case. It is more likely that two people can reach out to one another and discuss the past, and eventually come to an understanding. However, the macro level of reconciliation can be very difficult to achieve. The ability of an entire nation to recognize wrong doings and reconcile is an enormously harder idea to achieve. In a nation, there will always be many different view points and millions of people with their own opinions, which can make this process near impossible.
I believe South Africa has achieved reconciliation on the micro level. This is because blacks and whites do interact, even it is sometimes on a very minimal level. The fact that I, a white person, am able to have conversations with anyone here and am treated with respect enhances this belief.
While considering the macro level of reconciliation, I am not too sure if South Africa has achieved this. I believe the process has started but is not fully accomplished. In this country people still often segregate themselves in every aspect of life. I believe for this level of reconciliation to be accomplished, people of this country must become one and accept the past, and realize that to move forward, everyone must work together.
My definition of reconciliation does not necessarily mean the same thing as forgiving. While forgiving makes the reconciliation process much easier, I do not think its a necessary aspect to the process. I think it will take more time in South Africa for blacks to truly forgive their former oppressors and understand the reasoning behind Apartheid. However, I believe the country is close to achieving reconciliation on a macro level.
I believe the United States is in a very similar situation to that of South Africa. The United States have achieved reconciliation on the macro level as races can work, live, and relate to each other peacefully. However, I think reconciliation is yet to be achieved on a macro level. There still is racism and hatred between the races, but fortunately it is much less than in the past.
It is good to know that both countries have came so far from their not so distant past. This is an ongoing process and I am sure that sometime relatively soon both countries can achieve this accomplishment on the next level.

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